The MEEP Lab is part of the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney. We welcome enquiries from prospective postdoctoral researchers, research students, and visiting scholars. Our research group can host projects that involve fieldwork, labwork, and computational analysis. We work on a variety of organisms from throughout the Tree of Life, including viruses, bacteria, animals, and plants.

The MEEP Lab
The MEEP Lab is located in the Life, Earth, & Environmental Sciences (LEES) Building on the Camperdown Campus. We have access to a fully equipped DNA and RNA PC2 laboratory. We also have equipment for entomological fieldwork, which is typically conducted in forests in the Sydney region and in the Northern Territory.
All students and staff have free access to the university’s computing cluster Artemis. We also have substantial in-house computing resources.

Postdoctoral researchers
We welcome enquiries from prospective postdoctoral researchers who wish to apply for a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council.
Postgraduate research students
Students interested in undertaking a PhD in any of the MEEP Lab’s research areas are encouraged to contact us. Potential PhD candidates can find out more about studying at the University of Sydney here. Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens are eligible for Research Training Program Scholarships. International students are eligible for a number of scholarships.
Honours students
Honours students interested in undertaking projects in the MEEP Lab’s research areas are encouraged to contact us. Projects can commence at the beginning of Semester 1 (February) or Semester 2 (August). The following projects are available for students wishing to commence Honours in 2025:
- Evolution of the invertebrate fauna on Lord Howe Island (Semester 1 or Semester 2)
- Phylogenetics and population structure of a species complex of scale worm Laetmonice (Aphroditidae, Annelida) from the Australian deep sea (Semester 1 or Semester 2)
- Phylogenomics of cockatoos (Family Cacatuidae) (Semester 2)